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Learn Productivity Hacks For Work From Home Success

[Ad] Work from home hacks to help you build your remote business and make it a success. Plus tips to help you avoid burnout, achieve work-life balance, and thrive!

Is Working From Home Everything it’s Cracked Up to Be?

Work from home hacks | A man wearing a blue shirt sits at his desk in his living room. He has his laptop open in front of him and behind him is a large green plant and a bicycle.

With the rise of social media and its inevitable influencers, and particularly since the pandemic, working remotely or from home has become more and more coveted as a lifestyle choice. And research has shown that more people are making that shift.

But as somebody for whom that is reality – does working from home live up to its aspirational promises?

Working in the capacity I do means wearing many hats, often learning on the job, and having to become an expert in multiple fields.

If I’ve learned anything in my ten years or so as a blogger and freelancer, it’s that as with all things in life, it has its pros and cons. But ultimately, there’s nothing I’d rather do – I love my work and the benefits it affords me. (And if you check out the research I’ve linked to above, you’ll find that 78% of people working from home agree it improves work-life balance.)

That said, it has been a huge learning curve.

Working in the capacity I do means wearing many hats, often learning on the job, and having to become an expert in multiple fields – or fork out for somebody else who is! Which, naturally, is often not even an option in the beginning.

Alex Arshavski

With all that in mind, I’d like to introduce to you an incredibly valuable book which aims to act as a handhold to help guide you through the process of working from home, and succeeding.

Work From Home Like a Pro, by Alexander Arshavski addresses the potential pitfalls of taking that leap of faith, and reveals the hacks and tips that will maximise your chances at success.

The Benefits of Working From Home

First, let’s dive into the many reasons that working from home is an excellent option:

  • Freedom to work from anywhere
  • Ability to take on clients across the world
  • Flexibility to set your own hours
  • Independence and autonomy – you’ve nobody to answer to but yourself!
  • Capacity to set your own rates
  • Creative freedom
  • Growth opportunities – personally, professionally, and financially
  • Potential to develop passive income streams

Choosing this lifestyle, if circumstances allow, is absolutely a privilege. But it doesn’t come without its challenges…

The Drawbacks of Working From Home

There will inevitably be times when you will work like a dog for little return.

I’d be lying if I said that my professional life was perfect. There are absolutely reasons that it can be very tricky. Let’s take a look:

  • Lack of job security
  • Inconsistent earnings
  • Being solely responsible for evert facet of the business
  • Potential for loneliness
  • Imperative need for self-discipline

If you are not naturally driven, this lifestyle is not for you! There will inevitably be times when you will work like a dog for little return.

Of course on the flip side and depending on your specific business, if you’re smart you’ll be in a position to develop passive income, affording even more independence. It’s a fantastic way to buy yourself time, which is really what we’re all striving for!

Work From Home Like a Pro to Maximise Your Success

Author Alexander Arshavski with his son.

All of the above topics and more are covered in Arshavski’s book, which, in his own words, is ‘based on science and sieved through personal experience’ as a consultant who has worked with countless companies and entrepreneurs.

Work Like a Pro From Home provides guidelines to help new freelancers accomplish life satisfaction and financial security.

In the intro to his book, Arshavski talks about personal happiness and economic security, and essentially, that’s what we all crave.

Work Like a Pro From Home provides guidelines to help new freelancers work towards achieving the work-life balance required to accomplish that life satisfaction and financial security, by building a successful remote business.

You’ll find sections on creating a productive home office space, strategies for avoiding burnout, budgeting and financial planning, and so much more.

Work Fro mHome Like a Pro book on a white background.

Here’s a quick overview of the chapters in the book:

  • Chapter 1: Setting the Stage for Success
  • Chapter 2: Building a Successful Consulting Career
  • Chapter 3: Mastering the Art of Work-Life Balance
  • Chapter 4: Financial Insights for Home-Based Entrepreneurs
  • Chapter 5: Time-Tested Principles of Consulting Success
  • Chapter 6: Marketing and Networking Strategies
  • Chapter 7: Scaling Your Home-Based Consulting Business
  • Chapter 8: Overcoming Common Professional Challenges
  • Chapter 9: Useful Resources

Despite having run my own business for a decade now, there’s information in here that I still found relevant, insightful, and valuable. 

In some instances it was a case of being reminded of something I once knew but may have become complacent about (the importance of boundaries, and handling distractions and maintaining focus).

In other case it was acknowledging things I’ve resisted for various reasons (delegating to scale the business).

I took plenty from the book that has made me want to sit down and streamline processes.

It’s worth noting here that the book is largely targeted at those in the consulting industry. However, the very vast majority of advice is transferable, providing ideas which are equally relevant and can be applied to different professions and business models.

I don’t currently offer consulting, yet I took plenty from the book that has made me want to sit down and streamline processes or look at how I may be able to operate more efficiently in certain areas.

Why It’s Important to Implement a Work From Home Strategy

Arshavski’s section on defining your goals, specifically ‘finding your why’, is invaluable.

In order to make any work from home business a success, it’s necessary to be efficient and excel at the services you offer so you stand out from the crowd. Which isn’t easy, especially in a crowded niche.

Woman with long blonde hair standing over laptop in her home office.

That’s why implementing a strategy is so vital – it will keep you focused and committed to your end goals. It’s also the reason that having a natural drive to push through challenges is essential, because there will be times you have to weather the storm of quiet periods and the like.

Arshavski’s section on defining your goals, specifically ‘finding your why’, is invaluable here.

I strongly believe that the greatest difference between those who fail and those who succeed is grit and determination in the face of difficulties.

Most people give up just when they’re about to achieve success. They quit on the one yard line. They give up at the last minute of the game, one foot from a winning touchdown.

H. Ross Pero

I’ve learned the hard way that adaptability to the ever-changing landscape of my industry is crucial. I’ve had to do some soul-searching and pivot more than once. Knowing when to push forward and when to walk away from a lost cause is still the one single aspect of my job I find the hardest.

Referring to my ‘why’, or finding my purpose is what keeps me focused and compels me to keep going. And remembering that giving up on the right things can sometimes be the best move for my business is what helps me to recover from those ‘failures’ – which I’ve often found precede my next success.

Find out more about the author here, or order the book here.