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Mindful Parenting and Family Life

Mindful parenting strategies to provide your children with the best start in life, in every sense. It’s tough, but it’s worth it.

Getting to Grips With Mindful Parenting Strategies

Creating the best possible home environment for our family is my ultimate goal in life. My greatest ambition is for my girls to grow up and recount their childhood as calm and joyful, stable and with a focus on wellbeing and positivity.

Being a parent is everything I ever imagined, to the power of ten.

And that doesn’t always look like this:

Mindful parenting strategies | Black and white family photo.

Mindful Parenting Starts With You

After my first daughter arrived I knew I wanted better for her, and now her sister too, than I’d grown up with. And that the only way to provide that was to work hard on becoming a better version of myself.

I had to commit to unpicking all my baggage, and rebuilding myself more positively. Committing to ongoing personal growth is a lifestyle choice which facilitates and underpins emotional wellbeing not just today, but in the future too.

I’ve never been more aware of the truth of this idea than when watching my daughters grappling with strong emotions. 

Mindful Parenting is a Calm and Gentle Lifestyle

It’s so clear that when they’re having a hard time, it’s already too late to use any specific strategy to bring them immediate calm and relief; the moment has passed. By this point they have to be allowed to feel those big feelings and work all the way through them – with our support and guidance.

If we want to help them to become more resilient, we need to put the work in when they’re in a relaxed frame of mind. That’s when it’s beneficial to spend the time cultivating tools and techniques that they can draw on the next time they’re struggling with frustrations, etc.

This blog has been a large part of my personal journey, and the following posts contain much of what I’ve learned and the strategies we implement in our home to raise our girls with kindness, compassion, and respect.

Mindful Parenting

Being a parent is easy; being a mindful parent? Not so much.

In the following posts I share everything I've learned about being physically present and emotionally available to my girls, to ensure the best possible outcomes for them.

(Mistakes happen often; I apologise, and trust letting them see that I'm fallible and authentically sorry is enough.)