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212 Things to Be Grateful For – The Ultimate Gratitude List

Gratitude lists are one of the most powerful ways you can positively influence your own life and develop an attitude of gratitude – without making any changes to your circumstances. Learn why taking the time to regularly write a list of things you’re grateful for is a surprisingly effective way to increase your positivity and life satisfaction, and find inspiration to get started today.

What is a Gratitude List?

List of gratitude | Gratitude list ideas bullet journal page.

A gratitude list is a written record of the things you’re thankful for. It can include absolutely anything that makes you glad, from the profound to the frivolous. It only matters that each item is sincere.

Over time, writing gratitude lists inhibits taking anything for granted, and encourages awe and appreciation for all the beauty and wonder life offers.

What is a Gratitude Log?

A gratitude log is just another name for a gratitude list. The two term can be used interchangeably and simply refer to a written compilation of beautiful things you’re grateful for.

Read more in our blog post about self improvement exercises and techniques.

Gratitude Lists Have the Power to Change Your Life

Writing gratitude lists can change your life for the better.

I talk often about how valuable journaling is, and there’s plenty of research in the field of positive psychology to support my beliefs.

But if there’s one thing that I value above journaling – which also happens to work perfectly alongside it (see below)! – it’s using gratitude lists to express gratitude.

Read: 56 Daily Gratitude Prompts to inspire positivity, wellbeing and balance.

I truly believe that writing gratitude lists can result in positive changes to your mood, your outlook – and your life.

Granted, this is anecdotal, but my personal experience is the only evidence I need to have me convinced.

Update: It’s no longer just anecdotal! I recently saw this article from respected publication, Psychology Today, which explains how studies have actually demonstrated the truth of this!

I grew up in a home with its fair share of hardships and distress. Circumstances understandably took their toll and I was raised in a very negative environment. Naturally that rubbed off and influenced me – I became pessimistic, angry, and probably very difficult to be around.

Writing regular gratitude lists transformed my mindset, and ultimately my life. 

I didn’t particularly like the person I’d become, but it wasn’t until l was pregnant with our first daughter that I was able to take a step back, recognise my situation for what it was and make the decision to try to do better for our growing family.

I didn’t want our children growing up with a miserable backdrop to their childhood. 

I desperately wanted them to have what I’d wished for but missed out on: a happy childhood, filled with fun and laughter and joy.

How to Develop An Attitude of Gratitude

With a determination to start looking for and focusing on the good in my life, I decided to start writing weekly gratitude lists on the blog (they’ve since been taken down, but I’ve kept every one for their special memories).

Over time, I changed. Dramatically.

It’s surprising how powerful this simple exercise can be.

Writing those regular gratitude lists transformed my mindset, and ultimately my life. 

They also marked the beginning of my discovery of journaling and the contentment it can bring.

Read: Tips for improving your wellbeing with mindful journaling.

Practicing gratitude can take…practice! But there’s an abundance of things when you start seeking them out!

Try to remember to be grateful of what you have, and you won’t go far wrong.

In other words, when you find yourself experiencing negative feelings around not having something that you want, or even becoming a little preoccupied with wanting that thing, keep in mind those good things you do have which make your life easier and/or more joyful. Try briefly imagining a life without those things, and then take a moment to truly appreciate how grateful you are that they do exist in your world.

It’s surprising how powerful this simple exercise can be. If we’re open to it, there’s reason for so much gratitude – be grateful for what you have.

How Practicing Gratitude Can Change Your Life

This is a really big claim, I know. But, regardless of personal circumstances – no matter how stark – my belief is unwavering: gratitude exercises can be life-changing.

Practicing gratitude won’t change your circumstances – but it can completely change your perspective.

I appreciate that many different people might chance across this article, and I could be talking to somebody who has endured profound loss and grief, or any other tragedy or difficult times which make gratitude appear to be a cruel joke. 

And yet still I believe in its power.

Practicing gratitude does not diminish anguish. Your anguish is valid. 

But, when you’re ready to allow some happiness back into your world so that you can go on to live a full life, writing gratitude lists is a very good place to start.

They won’t change your circumstances – but they can completely change your perspective and have a deeply positive impact.

Image shows a woman standfing in a greenhouse wearing a straw hat and holding a sign saying 'blessed, thankful, grateful'.

Why Are Gratitude Lists Good?

I recently had a conversation which illustrates the point perfectly (hopefully they won’t mind me sharing!)…

I was waxing lyrical about gratitude, and we were talking about how being around negativity can be draining. While they didn’t disagree, they said it should also be okay to have a moan sometimes.

I responded that while yes, of course if necessary they should be able to have a moan if they need to sometimes, they’d missed the point I was making about practicing gratitude.

Our outlook is like a self-fulfilling prophecy.

With regular gratitude practice as part of your daily routine, you’ll find that over time, you’ll have less cause to moan.

While the reason technically remains, it doesn’t consume you. Instead you’re consumed by the positive things you’ve recognised and focused on for which you’re grateful (positive journal prompts can help with this).

And while it initially takes conscious effort, a continued daily gratitude habit tends to become second nature.

Your mindset recalibrates, and instead of fixating on the negative emotions which are expressed in the medium of complaining, you’ll find yourself focusing on the good in your life, which will manifest as positivity.

And we all know that positive people make for far better company than negative, because instead of draining us, they lift us up and leave us feeling cheerful.

And in that sense, our outlook is like a self-fulfilling prophecy.

Read: 11 manifesting methods – modified for results backed by science!

The Benefits of Gratitude

You can tell yourself that it has added a dimension to your day out – but not ruined it. 

There are multiple benefits attributed to practicing gratitude. These are the most valuable gratitude journal benefits:

1. Practicing Gratitude Promotes Healthy Reframing

Reframing is huge when it comes to happiness. Here’s an example…

You plan a day out – and then it rains.

You can make a choice to be frustrated and disappointed, viewing it as a bad day and spending (wasting) the time feeling bitter.

Or you can tell yourself that small things like this give an added dimension to your day out – but don’t ruin it. 

It’s about changing your attitude towards a set of circumstances rather than changing the circumstances themselves

Perhaps it will be less busy; perhaps you’ll get soaked with your friends or family and it will give you a funny story to recount later. 

Besides, how wonderful that you’re spending time with people you love in the first place!

Attitude of gratitude quote beside a red mug.

Reframing is incredibly powerful; it’s an effective way of changing your attitude towards a set of circumstances rather than changing the circumstances themselves – and feeling better for doing so.

Practice doing this often enough, and it will start to become a habit – you’ll find you start naturally defaulting to a more positive mindset.

2. Gratitude Lists Identify Your Values

Looking back over past gratitude lists, something interesting will shine through:

Your values.

You’ll notice one or several themes recurring in your lists, and it will give you a strong awareness of your own core values. This is important because living according to them is vital to experiencing life satisfaction.

When you better understand your values and what things bring you joy, you’ll be able to make more space in your life for them, further reinforcing your happiness.

3. Writing a Gratitude Log Develops Hope

Hope is another tool in your arsenal for positivity.

As you start to experience life differently, more positively, you’ll gain increasing levels of hope.

You’ll notice that life can feel good again, regardless of what has been before, regardless of whether your actual situation changes or improves.

Hope will join your arsenal of positivity tools, increasing your wellbeing.

4. Gratitude Lists Increase Positivity

Writing gratitude lists hacks this process until you default to a positive mindset.

Experiencing elevated gratitude will increase positive emotions and make you feel better about your life. That’s not my opinion, it’s a fact.

If you truly feel fortunate, it follows that you can’t help but feel life is good. Essentially, putting in the work of writing down why you are fortunate hacks this process until you default to a positive mindset.

A thank you note placed on top of an open laptop. There's a cup of coffee, a pair of glasses, a notebook and a plant laid out on the pink background.

Realising that there’s plenty of good around us, and more specifically in our own little world, helps us to believe in and come to rely on that inherent goodness.

That natural reliance on goodness as a fact is the equivalent of a glass half-full attitude.

Ergo, writing gratitude lists = increased levels of positivity.

Writing gratitude lists is as close to a silver bullet as we can get.

5. Practicing Gratitude Facilitates Good Mental Health and Peace of Mind

Taking all of the above points together, perhaps the best thing about practicing gratitude is that it ultimately brings a sense of peace to our lives in a way that few other things can.

Life can be challenging, unpredictable, and tragic. Nothing will change those things, it’s simply a part of the human condition. But we can counter all of that negativity by refusing to put it at the centre of our lives.

Keeping your own gratitude journal is as close to a silver bullet as we can get when it comes to mental health, because there’s always something to be grateful for.

Bullet journal gratitude list.

What Should I Put on My Gratitude List?

So when gratitude journaling, what things should include on your gratitude lists? When it doesn’t feel as simple as asking yourself what am I grateful for, consider the following…

1. Little Things to Be Thankful For

Your favourite food, your favourite flower, your new cosy jumper. Jot them all down in a blank notebook or journal.

Yep – a little bit frivolous, and definitely things you could live without. But that’s the point – all the more reason to appreciate them.

Enjoy the little things in life, for one day you may look back and realise they were the big things.

Robert Brault

2. People to Be Grateful For

Probably the most important one on your list. Possibly the most bittersweet too, because sadly people do not stay forever, for many different reasons.

You can always include people on this list, whether they’re currently in your life or not – if they are in your thoughts and you’re grateful for them in the present moment, write them down.

3. Moments to Be Grateful For

You know those snapshots of time, where you stop for a second and you’re just filled with pleasure? It might be seeing the sunlight filter through the trees, or watching your children giggling together. New things and experiences, like digging your toes into wet sand.

These all go in my happy jar which is filled with memories from our year. They’re also perfect to pop onto a gratitude list.

4. Experiences to Be Grateful For

This might mean positive experiences following a good day. But it can also include challenging ones during a tough time which you feel have taught you something, or provided insight or wisdom from which you’ve grown.

5. Unexpected Kindnesses

I love this one! They may not be frequent, but when this happens it just fills you up with joy for the whole day. 

When you can’t stop smiling because somebody has been truly kind, it’s definitely one for your list.

6. Highlight of Your Day

If gratitude lists are a part of your daily life, then this is a good one to add at the end of the day each evening. Like with our happy jar, it will also give you lots of happy memories to look back over later.

Bullet journal gratitude log.

7. Gratitude Affirmations

If you have certain areas in your life that you’re actively working on improving, this can be a helpful exercise.

If, for example, you want to be more patient with your children, you could use this activity as a prompt. Your positive affirmation might be something along the lines of ‘I am grateful for my beautiful children, and they deserve the best of me’.

Similarly, you could use this idea for different things like work or exercise, etc, reminding yourself of the reason you want to be or do better at a specific task or behaviour.

Read 60 gratitude affirmations to feel balanced, peaceful, and happy.

Daily Gratitude List Examples

If you’re new to this I want to prove how easy writing gratitude lists is – it’s such a simple but effective step to take towards improving your positivity. With that in mind I’ve compiled a huge list of things that I’m personally grateful for, to give you some inspiration.

Naturally there will be things on my list which won’t apply to you, and that’s fine. It’s merely meant to spark ideas, no two gratitude lists will be identical, nor should they be. 

For example, some people can’t stand coffee and that’s their prerogative (even though they’re wrong), but they might include a glass of cold milk instead – which will never make an appearance on my list!

Huge List of 212 Things to Be Grateful For

Are you convinced to start writing your own morning gratitude list? What are you grateful for? If you need some inspiration to spark some ideas, keep reading.

Pro tip: This list is perfect for 30 day challenge ideas based around practicing gratitude!

Taken from some of my own gratitude lists of what I am grateful for myself, I’ve created a mega list of daily prompts as simple ways to inspire your own gratitude lists…


  1. The love of your family.
  2. A partner who is your sidekick.
  3. Friends on your wavelength.
  4. Excellent school teachers for your children.
  5. Children who give you the best cuddles.
  6. Siblings who you can count on.
  7. Nieces and nephews.
  8. Colleagues who make you belly laugh.
  9. Good friends who have your back.
  10. Neighbours who look out for you.
  11. Parents who are wise.
  12. Chatting with somebody and feeling you’ve made a profound connection.
  13. The secret language and in-jokes between spouses or partners.


  1. Dinners out with friends.
  2. The great way close friends treat your children.
  3. Laughing till you cry with friends.
  4. Thoughtful texts from friends when you’re going through hard times.
  5. A friend (often) going out of their way to accommodate an allergy.
  6. Thoughtful gifts from friends for your children.
  7. Handmade gifts from friends for your children.
  8. Looking at old photos of nights out with friends.
  9. Catching up outside the school gate.
  10. Voice notes from your bestie.
Friends being silly.


  1. Vibrant wildflowers.
  2. Majestic trees.
  3. Vast oceans.
  4. Peonies.
  5. Summer rain.
  6. Long walks through the woods, looking for fairies with your team.
  7. Thunderstorms when you’re cosy indoors.
  8. Warm sunshine on your skin.
  9. The changing colours of autumn.
  10. A fresh blanket of snow.
  11. Colourful coral.
  12. A single flower in the cracks of a path.
  13. A field of sunflowers or poppies or lavender.
  14. Cloud watching with your team.
  15. Butterflies.
  16. Peacocks.
  17. Pygmy marmosets.
  18. Turtles.
  19. That peaceful feeling of being refreshed, revived, and rejuvenated after spending time in nature.
A purple iris peeping through the snow.

Personal Growth

  1. Writing journal entries.
  2. Meditation.
  3. Affirmations.
  4. Gratitude lists!
  5. Forgiveness.
  6. Positivity.
  7. Reframing.
  8. Kindness.
  9. Patience.
  10. Mindfulness.

Hobbies and Interests

  1. Am I allowed to say journaling again? Okay – bullet journaling then!
  2. Reading.
  3. Running.
  4. Swimming.
  5. Spinning.
  6. Finding a beautiful new item of clothing.
  7. The ability to treat yourself to said item.
  8. When a fabulous new item of clothing lands on your doorstep and it’s perfect.
  9. Stationery.
  10. Drawing and painting.
  11. Candles.
Pampering items, including a candle, exfoliating sponge, and soap.

Work and Professional Life

  1. The catharsis of writing.
  2. Artistic photography.
  3. Intricate web design.
  4. Fascinating psychology.
  5. Fun events.
  6. Spending time being creative.
  7. Brainstorming.
  8. Bouncing great ideas off friends in the industry.
  9. Helping allergy mums and receiving positive feedback.
  10. Putting together gift guides.


  1. Walking to collect your children from school each day.
  2. Snuggly bedtime cuddles first thing in the morning with your little ones.
  3. Journaling with bigger ones.
  4. Dancing in the kitchen with your team.
  5. Birds singing.
  6. Spending time at a local RHS garden.
  7. Watching waves crashing on the shore.
  8. Listening to waves crashing on the shore (my personal happy place).
  9. Being ‘in flow’ when writing or working out.
  10. A relaxing bath.
Folded towel with a bar of soap and a purple vase behind it.
  1. Coffee.
  2. Red wine.
  3. A massage.
  4. Laying on an acupressure mat.
  5. Mille feuille.
  6. Biscoff spread.
  7. Rain when you’re out for a run.
  8. The muffled sound created by new snow.
  9. Listening to your favourite playlist.
  10. The sound of your children laughing.
  11. Fresh sheets on the bed.
  12. A hot shower when you’re cold.


  1. The smiles on your children’s faces when you go for ice cream on a hot and sunny day.
  2. Their exhilaration when you go to the park.
  3. The high from a hard run or spin class.
  4. Spending time with your favourite people.
  5. The bittersweet end to a book so amazing that you’re sad to reach the last page.
  6. Watching your children put on a show.
  7. The fun you have with your other half when you occasionally get to be a couple again!
  8. When best friends or a family member make you feel loved.
Giving Flowers to Friend
  1. A cheesy romantic moment in a favourite show bringing you to tears.
  2. Watching your children learning to write and draw.
  3. Listening to children read.
  4. Family film night with your team.
  5. Watching your children’s satisfaction when they achieve a new skill.
  6. Your pride when your children achieve a new skill.
  7. The unwavering support of a spouse or partner.
  8. When your partner comes home and surprises you with wine or chocolates, just because.
  9. Your (my!) partner, simply for putting up with you (me).
  10. Suits (the show).
  11. Christmas: the festivities, the socialising, the TV, the shows, the food.
  12. The feeling of community Christmas brings.
  13. Choosing gifts for loved ones that you know they’ll love.
  14. …And trying to out-do your partner every year (with thought, not cost).
  15. Listening to the radio in the car by yourself.
  16. Listening to a fascinating podcast in the car with your partner when you’r’e on a road trip together, sans kids.
  17. Geocaching with your team.
  18. Splashing in puddles with your team.
  19. The joy on your children’s faces when you take them swimming.
  20. Lockdown coming to an end.
  21. Stand up, live.
  22. Date nights at Everyman, with a dirty burger brought to your seat.
  23. All day BBQ’s with family which go on late because nobody wants to leave.
  1. When strangers smile at you.
  2. When somebody lets you out in front of them when driving.
  3. When somebody driving stops to let you cross the road.
  4. A chat with a stranger, just because.
  5. Watching, unseen, when a stranger does something kind for somebody else.
  6. Chivalry (it’s not necessary, but it’s still nice).
  7. Watching children being kind to each other, when they think nobody is watching.
  8. The innocence of children.
  9. The compassion of your children’s teachers.
  10. Good news stories.


  1. Having a home.
  2. Being fortunate enough to own your home.
  3. Being lucky enough to have an office in your home, which is your own, personal little space (mostly!).
Interrupted at my desk!
  1. Being in walking distance of school.
  2. Being in walking distance of a pedestrianised town.
  3. Being close enough to walk to the river.
  4. …Or an orchard.
  5. …Or a supermarket.
  6. …A swimming pool.
  7. …A gym.
  8. …The library.
  9. Loving your home.
  10. Sharing your home with some pretty awesome people.
  11. Being able to walk to so many places that despite being fortunate enough to own a car, rarely having to use it.
  12. Living close to family and friends.
  13. Good neighbours.

Personal Things I Am Thankful For

  1. The 1 in 102,685,000 chance (Googled it) of even existing.
  2. Good health / immune system, and your senses being in good, working order.
  3. Having the use of your limbs, so that you can feel, and run, and dance.
  4. The ability to experience highs and lows, and the depth and richness of life that affords.
  5. Your job (I’m lucky enough to love mine).
  6. Learning how to recover your mental health.
  7. Choosing forgiveness.
  8. That your past has led you to where you are today.
  9. Resisting getting caught up in comparison.
  10. …And instead understanding the importance of appreciating what you have.
  11. Finding balance in life which brings contentment and peace.
Woman with fingers and thumb pinched together.
  1. …And knowing that on the days something feels off, it will pass.
  2. Reaching a default glass-half-full, positive attitude after lots of work.
  3. …And gladly accepting that this work will be ongoing for life.


  1. Clean water.
  2. Sanitation.
  3. Soap.
  4. Birth control.
  5. Menstrual products.
  6. Deodorant.
  7. Toothbrushes.
  8. Lip balm.
  9. Doctors.
  10. Anaesthetic.
  11. Electricity.
  12. Technology.
  13. The internet.
  14. Electronic communication.
  15. Computers.
  16. Windows (the glass ones).
  17. Curtains.
  18. Central heating.
  19. Transport.
  20. The wheel!
  21. The postal service.
  22. Photographs.
  23. Good customer service.
  24. Stollen (as in the festive favourite!).
  25. Clothes.
  26. Shoes.
  27. Umbrellas.
  28. Electric blankets.
  29. Lazy Sunday mornings.
  30. Enjoying a hot drink in a coffee shop alone, people watching.
  31. Canvas bags.
  32. Moana.
  33. Tangled.
  34. 7 Pounds (the movie).
  35. The Crisis, Ennio Morricone (I walked down the aisle to this piece of music from Seven Pounds!).
  36. Books.
  37. Paper.
  38. Pens.
  39. Music.
  40. Pushchairs.
  41. Baby carriers.
  42. Baby car seats.
  43. When your baby is still small enough to be carried out of the car in their seat (high fives).
  44. Caffeine.
  45. Cake.
  46. Sunglasses.
Best things in life quote beside a blue mug.

Gratitude is like a muscle: the more we use it, the more naturally it comes.

Every item on this list is personal to me. My life is not perfect – there are just as many things that I could complain about if I thought hard enough to find them. And that’s the point:

Instead, as I’ve developed a habit of gratitude they’ve become overshadowed and diminished by my choice to focus on the amazing things that bring me joy, happiness, and peace.

Gratitude is like a muscle: the more we use it the stronger it becomes, the more naturally it comes, and the more inclined we are  towards it.

I challenge you to write your own gratitude list on a daily basis for a week, or a weekly basis for a month – and watch the magic happen in your own beautiful life. I guarantee you won’t regret it.