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Free Bullet Journal Habit Tracker Printable to Accomplish Your Goals!

Use a bullet journal habit tracker template to help you set, track, and accomplish your goals! These three different printable designs are a great way to successfully build and track habits.

Use a Bullet Journal Habit Tracker Template: The Smart Way to Approach Your Goals

bullet journal habit tracker template | Image shows a selection of bullet journal habits tracker printables beside a green star-shaped candle.

How often have you set a new year’s resolution and then…watched it fall by the wayside after a few days or weeks? We’ve all done it, and that’s often because we’re not approaching the goal in the best way.

Enter the essential habit tracker!

A Daily Habits Tracker Printable Can Help You Accomplish Your Goals

The good news is that it’s totally possible to set a goal and achieve it, simply by being shrewd in our strategy for success…

Enter the essential habit tracker!

Simple habit tracker.

This clever technique can help you to create better habits which you’ll effortlessly stick to – and you can use the same approach to break bad habits too.

Read more about the psychology of how habit trackers work, plus 167 bullet journal habit tracker ideas!

What Are Daily Habit Tracker Templates?

A habit tracker is simply a visual way to track and record specific habits. 

Habit trackers let you quickly and easily see your progress, at a glance.

Bullet journal fitness tracker spread.

What About a Weekly Habit Tracker?

Sure! Weekly trackers are a thing too. In fact, the awesome thing about habit trackers is their versatility – they’re a great tool which can be used to record healthy habits (or unhealthy ones!) daily, weekly, monthly, or annually.

Simply set yours up the way that best suits your personal needs.

If you use a journal you can create your own habit tracker, or you can keep things super simple and download a habits tracker printable from our resources library for free. You’ll find a selection of free templates, including a circular habit tracker like this one:

Mandala tracker.

Habit trackers are a fantastic way to help you stick to the good habits you want to implement in your life. How? By helping to turn a (new) regular activity into a habit.

A habit is successfully established when conscious thought about an activity is removed, and yet still the task gets done.

So, what is it that makes the difference between new routines becoming positive habits, and those which quickly dwindle? Let’s take a look at the psychology…

How Are Habits Formed?

Habits are successfully established when routines become automatic and get completed on autopilot. Conscious thought about the activity is removed, there is no decision to be made, and yet still the task gets done.

More than that, it’s completed on impulse.

Bottom line: humans respond to incentives. 

There’s a caveat, and it’s a big one: habits are not chores.

If a specific goal is a huge chore, then you can certainly make it part of your daily routine, but by definition it cannot become a habit.

Read the master guide for more on how to bullet journal.

A good example might be cleaning your house or doing your ironing. Unless you find any pleasure in these responsibilities, then they’re routines, not habits.

But a habit tracker can still help you to accomplish these tasks alongside helping you to form other habits.

30 days tracker.

How Do Habit Trackers Work?

Bottom line: humans respond to incentives. 

We’re motivated by rewards, and using a habit tracker is a very simple way to utilise the reward centre in our primitive brains:

See a blank page of paper, complete the task, colour the box, experience satisfaction – feel compelled to do the same tomorrow.

The physical act of ticking or colouring the box and seeing our progress over time can be sufficient reward to keep us motivated. The more boxes ticked, in theory, the harder it becomes to fall off the wagon and ruin our run of ticks, crosses, or coloured boxes.

Simple tracker.

Of course, we have to be committed in the first place, but if you’re reading this then I think it’s safe to presume you’re already focused on your goal.

Tips For Ensuring Habit Trackers Work For You

A few tips, with basis in psychology, for getting the best possible result from a habit tracker printable:

  1. Remember this exercise is essentially a choice that you’re making because you want to.
  2. Small steps for the win – if you can alter a habit little by little, that’s more likely to be successful than a major change.
  3. To avoid burnout, don’t try to track too many habits as once.
  4. Don’t quit on a bad day. It’s okay to start again tomorrow – in fact, the day after not completing your habit is the hardest (and therefore most important) day to try to keep going.
  5. Focus on other aspects of journaling you love too, so habit tracking doesn’t come to feel like a chore.
Mandala habit tracker.

Habit Tracker Layout Designs

Habit trackers can be tailored to your own requirements, and come in a variety of designs to suit your needs. As well as trackers for recording on a daily basis, weekly, or monthly, you can also create the following different kinds:

  • Mini habit trackers

Mini trackers are used for multiple different habits within a single spread.

  • Circle habit tracker

Circular trackers are great for when you’re recording multiple habits across a month.

  • Horizontal habit tracker

Ideal for a monthly layout, this simple tracker can be used to track multiple habits on a single spread.

  • Yearly habit tracker

A yearly tracker tends to be relatively simple, but allows you to record a habit for every day of the year.

What Habits Should You Track?

The beauty of a habits tracker is that they’re highly customisable – you can create unique designs and track literally any habits, whether they’re ones you’re trying to form or trying to break.

The key purpose of habit tracking is to create accountability.

Whatever your goals are, I recommend setting up your tracker so that you fill it out on the days you succeed. You can cross, tick or colour each day according to your preference.

  • For a habit you’re committed to forming, fill out the tracker on the days you complete the habit;
  • For a habit you’re committed to breaking, fill it out on the days you refrain.

Either way, the key purpose of habit tracking is to create accountability, and filling in a monthly habit tracker is the perfect visual way to do this.

You can easily see at a glance how well you’re performing, and this helps to form an incentive to keep focused on your goal.

Bullet journal habits tracker printables.

Depending on your needs, you can track multiple habits, or just one. 

Head to our resources page for your downloads.

Choose Your Habits Tracker Printable Options For Different Needs

The journaling community often have 30 day challenges, where you set a specific goal to track for a month, but you might want to focus on a range of different tasks, which may or may not be related. 

For example, if you’re tracking your health, you could keep a record of:

  • Water intake
  • Workouts
  • Minimum hours of sleep
  • Alcohol intake
  • Clean eating
  • Sleep tracker

Alternatively, you might be looking for a way to track a whole range of habits across your life.

Likewise, while monthly trackers are super popular, you can also get weekly trackers which may suit you better depending on what you’re tracking.

Autumn leaves mood tracker in a journal.

Free Printable Habit Tracker Bujo Downloads

Ready to start tracking new habits in your own bullet journal?

Head to our resources page for your bullet journal template downloads, including our bullet journaling mood tracker.

Whatever your specific habit tracker requirements, one of these habits tracker printable PDF’s should be perfect for your needs!

A bujo tracker is a sure-fire way to form positive changes in your life.

How to Use Your Bullet Journal Habit Tracker Template

Once you’ve downloaded your bullet journal habit tracker template, how should you use it?

There are so many bullet journal ideas online, and some are super creative. But ultimately, the purpose of a habit tracker is personal – it’s whatever you need it to be, and that will be different for everyone.

Habit trackers can be used in many different ways: for school, business, home, relationships, fitness, and so many more areas of life.

The important things to keep in mind are that you should track the things that make sense for you, and not the things that are popular (although there may of course be crossover!), and to avoid burnout from over-committing, you shouldn’t try to track too many things at once.

If you stick to keeping track of habits that are a priority to you, then using a bujo tracker is a sure-fire way to form positive changes in your life.